New Rates + Updated Insurance Policy


Our new policy has been updated to bring this office in full compliance of what is required by various insurance contracts and national insurance standards. Please let us know if you have any questions regarding our new policies.

IN NETWORK INSURANCE PLANS/ TRIWEST/ WORKER’S COMP: If you have an insurance policy in which Elevate is an in-network (IN) provider, we will be collecting all charges that are established by our contracted rate with the plan. We are required to submit charges and bills directly to each insurance carrier and the patient will be responsible for all charges including co-pays and deductibles.

OUT OF NETWORK INSURANCE PLANS/ PERSONAL INJURY: If you have an insurance policy in which Elevate is out-of-network (OON), you will be responsible for all charges of what is deemed reasonable and customary for our location, by your insurance company. You have the option of paying at the time of service in which we will provide a 20% discount off of our OON rates and provide a superbill in which you can then submit to your insurance company. If you have met your deductible and would like for us to submit the bill, we can can do so but you will be responsible for any co-insurance amount in full.

CASH/NON-INSURED: Our new rates for acupuncture services for people paying at the time of service without use of insurance is as follows:

● New patient evaluation and acupuncture session (90 min): $135

● Established patient re-evaluation and acupuncture (60 min): $85

● New patient evaluation and acupuncture session (child under 10 yrs old): $110

● Established patient re-evaluation and acupuncture (child under 10 yrs old): $55

● Pre-pay 5 pack for follow up visits acupuncture: 5% discount ($80.75 per session after initial)

Functional Medicine appointments with Melinda:

● New patient evaluation, health history, timeline, labs, and plan (60 min): $200

● Established patient, follow up, lab review, and plan (30 min): $100